Core Spark (Json Documenter)

Json Documenter

JSON Documenter

Document this response from the triage tool start conversation end point. { "user_details": { "is_new_patient": null, "external_user_id": "" }, "conversation_id": "1f281f55-2f39-462d-845b-3cc123eeec94", "next_step": { "suggested_messages": null, "question": { "question_id": "native-id-1607140589929", "text": "How long have you had abdominal pain?", "options": [ { "option_id": 1607111440092, "negates": false, "value": "Less than 1 day" }, { "option_id": 1607111440092, "negates": false, "value": "1 to 3 days" }, { "option_id": 1606781560044, "negates": false, "value": "More than 3 days" }, { "option_id": 1606781560044, "negates": false, "value": "Weeks, months, or years" }, { "option_id": 0, "negates": false, "value": "I'm not sure" } ], "is_multi_select": false, "type": "single-select" }, "triage": null, "notes": null } }

Responses From Spark Variants that Implement the Core Spark (json documenter)

JSON Documentation

The provided JSON represents a response from a triage tool's "start conversation" endpoint. This JSON structure is designed to facilitate the initial stages of a medical triage conversation by capturing user details, generating a unique conversation identifier, and presenting the next question to the user.

Fields and Descriptions

  1. user_details: An object containing information about the user.

    • is_new_patient: (Nullable Boolean) Indicates whether the user is a new patient. Example: null.
    • external_user_id: (String) A unique identifier for the user, provided externally. Example: "".
  2. conversation_id: (String) A unique identifier for the conversation session. Example: "1f281f55-2f39-462d-845b-3cc123eeec94".

  3. next_step: An object detailing the next action or question in the triage process.

    • suggested_messages: (Nullable) Placeholder for any suggested messages. Currently null.

    • question: An object containing details about the next question to be asked.

      • question_id: (String) A unique identifier for the question. Example: "native-id-1607140589929".
      • text: (String) The text of the question being asked. Example: "How long have you had abdominal pain?".
      • options: (Array of Objects) A list of possible answers to the question.
        • option_id: (Integer) A unique identifier for the option. Example: 1607111440092.
        • negates: (Boolean) Indicates if the option negates the question's premise. Example: false.
        • value: (String) The text of the option. Example: "Less than 1 day".
      • is_multi_select: (Boolean) Indicates if multiple options can be selected. Example: false.
      • type: (String) The type of question, indicating how responses should be handled. Example: "single-select".
    • triage: (Nullable) Placeholder for triage-related data. Currently null.

    • notes: (Nullable) Placeholder for any additional notes. Currently null.


This JSON document is part of a medical triage tool used to initiate a conversation with a patient. It captures essential user details and generates a unique conversation ID to track the session. The primary function of this JSON is to present the next question in the triage process, allowing the system to gather relevant information about the patient's condition. The question is designed to be straightforward, with predefined options to streamline the data collection process. This tool can be used in healthcare settings to efficiently assess patient symptoms and guide them through a structured triage process.