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Welcome to the GPT Assistant Designer! Let's start by choosing the personality of your assistant. Which personality trait should it embody? |
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Great choice! Now, what level of expertise should your assistant have? |
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You've chosen a professional demeanor. Select the level of expertise for your assistant. |
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A humorous assistant! What level of expertise should it have? |
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An empathetic assistant! What level of expertise should it have? |
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How would you like your assistant to communicate? |
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How would you like your assistant to communicate? |
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How would you like your assistant to communicate? |
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What should be the assistant's communication style? |
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What should be the assistant's communication style? |
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What is the primary purpose of your assistant? |
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What is the primary purpose of your assistant? |
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Choose your assistant's tone preference. |
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Choose your assistant's tone preference. |
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Choose your assistant's tone preference. |
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Choose your assistant's tone preference. |
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Select the engagement style for your assistant. |
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Select the engagement style for your assistant. |
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Select the engagement style for your assistant. |
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How should your assistant handle user data and privacy? |
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How should your assistant handle user data and privacy? |
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How should your assistant handle user data and privacy? |
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Congratulations! You have designed your GPT Assistant. Would you like to start over or exit? |
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Congratulations! You have designed your GPT Assistant. Would you like to start over or exit? |
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Congratulations! You have designed your GPT Assistant. Would you like to start over or exit? |