Workflow Admin Editor

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1 Welcome to the GPT Assistant Designer! Let's start by choosing the personality of your assistant. Which personality trait should it embody?
2 Great choice! Now, what level of expertise should your assistant have?
3 You've chosen a professional demeanor. Select the level of expertise for your assistant.
4 A humorous assistant! What level of expertise should it have?
5 An empathetic assistant! What level of expertise should it have?
6 How would you like your assistant to communicate?
7 How would you like your assistant to communicate?
8 How would you like your assistant to communicate?
9 What should be the assistant's communication style?
10 What should be the assistant's communication style?
11 What is the primary purpose of your assistant?
12 What is the primary purpose of your assistant?
13 Choose your assistant's tone preference.
14 Choose your assistant's tone preference.
15 Choose your assistant's tone preference.
16 Choose your assistant's tone preference.
17 Select the engagement style for your assistant.
18 Select the engagement style for your assistant.
19 Select the engagement style for your assistant.
20 How should your assistant handle user data and privacy?
21 How should your assistant handle user data and privacy?
22 How should your assistant handle user data and privacy?
23 Congratulations! You have designed your GPT Assistant. Would you like to start over or exit?
24 Congratulations! You have designed your GPT Assistant. Would you like to start over or exit?
25 Congratulations! You have designed your GPT Assistant. Would you like to start over or exit?